Testing Diesel Fuel with ISO 4406 Cleanliness Code

July 15th, 2010

Exciting news!

Recently we were asked to assist a customer in delivering higher quality diesel fuel to his end-users. In order to accurately gauge the level of fuel quality required, we felt it was imperative to utilize a more precise method of testing than the standard ASTM specification. To ensure test results were as detailed as possible, we measured the fuel quality with the ISO cleanliness code 4406:1999.

HIAC Portable Oil Diagnostic System (PODS) | Precision Filtration ProductsClick HERE to watch the awesome video NOW! Our goal was not only to establish “new” fuel quality, but also to document the increase in quality after the fuel was passed through high-efficiency filtration media. To provide data in a timely and cost effective manner we chose to analyze the fuel quality on a smaller scale with a filtration test stand. The fuel sample that was provided in a 55-gallon drum was transferred into a clean, empty drum using our 1-GPM Spin-On Filter Panel (SFP). For this process, we equipped the SFP with a single absolute rated 1-micron, micro-glass filter. This fluid transfer package, which includes quick-disconnect hoses/wands and desiccant breathers, ensures that any ingress of contamination is minimized throughout the fluid transfer process.

Using a HIAC PODS (Portable Oil Diagnostic System) Laser Particle Counter, we first established an ISO code baseline for “new” diesel fuel. An in-line sample port located before the filter allowed us to accurately establish a baseline code level of 18/16/12. A sample port located after the filter provided an ISO reading of 13/10/6 after only a single pass of filtration. The second and final pass through the filter lowered the contaminant level even further to achieve an ISO cleanliness code of 11/7/5!

Based upon these results we determined that just one pass through our high-efficiency 1-micron filters will achieve our customer’s required fuel quality. When a larger version of this filtration system is implemented with a full-scale pipeline filter vessel, our customer will have the ability to consistently deliver super-clean fuel to his end-users, which will be of even higher quality than the ASTM standard!

To find out more about ISO cleanliness codes, how to achieve your target cleanliness levels, or how our filtration products can help you save time and money, contact us today!


The Team at Precision Filtration Products

Your One STOP For Filters | Precision Filtration Products

P.S. Have you seen our latest videos? If not, click here to check them out now!

Wall-Mounted Spin-On Fuel Filter Panel - ISO 4406 | Precision Filtration Products

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