Are you managing your lubricant system in the most efficient way possible? Are you operating with a system of visual aids? If not, you may want to check this out…

Color-Coded Lubricant Barrels
Visual management should be applied to plant facilities on a wide scale basis. Most industrial plants already utilize some sort of visual aids. For example, a plant may have color-coded piping systems (pneumatic, natural gas), tagged electrical wiring (control boxes, connections), and colored locations of danger (paint on floors or railings, emergency phone locations). Does this sound a little overwhelming? Don’t worry. You can take your time to gradually implement visual management techniques in your facility, but you may want to start now.
One of the best places to begin is with your lubricant inventory. If you create a system of well-tagged or color-coded lubrication points, you will help your maintenance personnel and operators to clearly understand what lubricants are appropriate for each respective application. However, the system must be applied as soon as lubricants are received in the inventory, all the way through the supply chain to the specific lubrication point on the industrial equipment, and finally to the lubricant disposal. In most facilities, lubricants are handled by many different people in various locations. If this process is done right, it will ensure that the right lubricant gets to the right application. This will ensure a smoother overall operation in your plant facility!
Do you have a question about industrial filters or filtration systems? Feel free to contact us anytime. Our friendly team of experts will be happy to help you out with your particular issue.
Until next time!
The Team at Precision Filtration Products
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