Monday morning. I called on a prospect that visited our website who was looking for a hydraulic oil flushing service. Eventually I got in touch with Larry, the plant engineer [ read more ]
How We Removed Bacteria and Metal from Water at a Funeral Home
Have you ever had contaminated well-water at your home? How about “hard” public city water at the office? Did you know that there are alternative ways to properly condition and [ read more ]
Success Story: Filtering Deionized Water for a National Laboratory
(Note: This is part 1 of a 2-part series.) Picture this… A large national laboratory had just finished fabricating a special magnet system, but there was a lot of debris [ read more ]
Made in the USA: Wartsila Engine Lube Oil Filter
Are you making sure to buy your filter elements and systems from a domestic source? One of our recent customers was a power plant that was operating multiple Wartsila natural [ read more ]
Tech Tip: New Hydraulic Oil Is Not Clean Hydraulic Oil
Did you ever wonder if new hydraulic oil was really clean?? The truth is… it’s not! Straight from the drum, so-called “new” hydraulic oil has a typical ISO cleanliness level [ read more ]
Tech Tip: Common Points of Reservoir Contamination
Have you ever had a contaminated reservoir but you just didn’t know why? For today’s article I’d like to share the most common ways reservoir fluid gets contaminated… 1. Plumbing [ read more ]
Success Story: Vacuum Dehydrator Rescues a Paper Machine!
Greetings! If you didn’t know already, one of our specialties is filtration equipment rentals. Recently, we rented a vacuum dehydration system to a paper mill. The mill was seeing extremely [ read more ]
POLL: Are you CONSISTENTLY hitting your target ISO cleanliness codes on your critical equipment?
[polldaddy poll=3494031] If not, check out our page on the ISO 4406 cleanliness code, and be sure to get in touch with us if you have any questions on how [ read more ]
Testing Diesel Fuel with ISO 4406 Cleanliness Code
Exciting news! Recently we were asked to assist a customer in delivering higher quality diesel fuel to his end-users. In order to accurately gauge the level of fuel quality required, [ read more ]
Blowdown Water, Slurry Oil, & Removing Water from Hydraulic Fluid
We’ve got more great filtration solutions for you! Need to treat blowdown water? How do you remove dirt or rust from fuel? Experiencing slurry oil at your refinery? Pall Aria [ read more ]