Success Story: Portable Filter Cart Saves Liquid Terminal Company

May 31st, 2011
Electric-Powered Spin-On Filter Cart

Electric-Powered Spin-On Filter Cart

Have you ever needed to purify hydraulic oil to a specific cleanliness range? We were recently contacted by a liquids product terminal operating company that was looking for a portable filter cart for filtering gear oil with a viscosity of 1,824 SSU. The terminal company was looking for something rugged and heavy-duty in order to withstand their industrial operating environment.

After reviewing the application and target ISO 4406 cleanliness goals of 17/15/12, I suggested that they use our popular SFC (spin-on filter cart). After reviewing bids by other manufacturers, they chose to purchase our 5-GPM model.

After several weeks in operation, the customer is very satisfied with their filtration equipment. Their target ISO 4406 codes are being reached with our spin-on filter elements, well within their specifications. The operators are pleased with the cart construction as well. Some of the particular features of the filter cart that appealed to the operators include the sample ports, the strong aluminum construction, the no-flat pneumatic tires, and the differential indicators on each filter head.

Do you have a question about oil filters or oil filtration? Feel free to contact us anytime. Our friendly team of experts will be happy to help you out with your particular issue.

Until next time!

The Team at Precision Filtration Products

Your One STOP For Filters | Precision Filtration Products

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