A small power generation company in the Midwest contracted us to perform lube oil flushes on two Pratt & Whitney gas turbines. After some discussions with their team, and determining a timetable to perform the lube flush, we decided upon the proper mobile filtration equipment required to achieve their goals, our service team shipped the equipment and flew to the the site location in order to synchronize with the customer’s scheduled outage.
Our service team had to by-pass all valves and flush each hose section to a minimum ISO 4406 cleanliness code of 16/14/11. The Pratt & Whitney specifications called for an ISO code of 17/15/12. After our flushing job was done, the majority of the laser particle counter readings showed ISO cleanliness codes much lower than 16/14/11.
Each turbine took 2 days for set-up, flushing and breakdown. Our service team was able to stay in alignment with their time frame, oil cleanliness goals, and budgetary requirements.
Another success!
— Matt, Operations Manager