We received a call from a Unit Supervisor at an East Coast Refinery asking if we had a rental unit available to help clean up a 5000 gallon glycol tank located at the CCR unit. The glyol tank became contaminated with corrosion products as well as some bacterial growth, which can foul downstream equipment. He requested a complete system that included not only filters but hoses, pump and containment.
By working with the service group at PFPUSA, we were able to put a complete system together for the customer and ship in less than 1 week. We provided the refinery one of our Single-Round Horizontal High Flow Filter Vessels, a pneumatic pump, and all of the peripheral hoses and valves required to connect to their glycol tank.
The refinery started off with 40 micron filtration and gradually cleaned up the system by kidney looping and ended up with a final 5 micron level of filtration.
The refinery is extremely happy with the results of the clean up and would call PFPUSA in the future to help with any additional problems at the refinery.