Ron called me and left a message on a Saturday afternoon. He was working for one of the world’s largest producers and suppliers of coal, with coal mines and preparation [ read more ]
Another “Green” Filtration Victory on Top of a Wind Tower
Over the past few years we’ve been getting many more inquiries from wind farms. One day recently I received a call from Jim, the lead mechanic at a wind farm [ read more ]
Manufacturer Clears Out Construction Debris with Hydraulic Flushing
Monday morning. I called on a prospect that visited our website who was looking for a hydraulic oil flushing service. Eventually I got in touch with Larry, the plant engineer [ read more ]
Offshore Oil Drilling Company Goes Onshore to Filter Crude Oil
On Wednesday my boss forwarded me an email inquiry from Ricky at an offshore drilling company. His team was working on a deepwater oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico. [ read more ]