Have you noticed that more racing teams are preferring to use air filters with dry-type media instead of oiled gauze? It’s true! This growing trend was even mentioned in an article in the August 2010 issue of Performance Racing Industry magazine, for which we were asked to be interviewed! Here are a couple excerpts:
As reported by some of our contacts, dry filters are very popular with racers today. “The preference for oil-free filters continues to increase,” noted Colin Greenlees, of R2C Performance Products. “With the high incidence of oil-affected sensors, coupled with the undesirable maintenance procedure involved with cleaning and oiling gauze products, low restriction, high-efficiency, easy-to-maintain dry filters… are gaining market share rapidly.”
“Race teams now comprehend that gauze-based media products are considered more universal in nature and may not suit their specific needs,” Greenlees continued. “These needs are being met by oil-free synthetic designs,” he said. Also trendy in this product category right now are custom designed systems. Over the last year we have had an increase in requests for custom one-off or small quantity air filters to fit applications where no standard size filter exists,” said Gary Danahoe of Coast Fabrication.
In keeping with the trends, Performance Filtration Products incorporates an array of dry-type filter media into its custom air intake and breather filter elements for the motor-sports industry. “We have noticed an increased appetite for our unique, higher-performing filtration products from those craving more horsepower,” noted Kevin Schaefer, General Manager. “On a custom motorcycle or under the hood, space is a valuable commodity. Our unique filter media and in-house capabilities enable us to meet our customers’ needs, providing custom tooling and design options, OEM private labeling and engraving, as well as our custom color selection.”
Click here to download this section of the article in PDF format!
The Team at Performance Filtration Products
A subsidiary of Precision Filtration Products
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